
Conventions of landscape practice and representation are thick with the sediment of habit and tradition. Often cited as a force behind these conventions is the early eighteenth-century English garden, the harbinger of the picturesque landscape. One particular understanding of the picturesque relates to the practice of comparing landscape scenes to, and composing them from, landscape paintings. Seeing landscape as a three-dimensional work that mimics a two-dimensional image sets up the stubbornly pervasive techniques and attitudes that currently define and delimit landscape’s -and nature’s- pictorialization.

Julia Czerniak, Challenging the Pictorial: Recent Landscape Practice (1997)

10575_1362653212930_PFCharles Jenks, Nothcumberlandia The Lady of the North (2012)

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vty is professor on Landscape Theory and Landscape design at the Catalonian Politecnical University in Barcelona and at the Politecnico di Milano

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