
Anyone familiar with the ever-widening practice of landscape architecture is fully aware that this is not likely to be an overpopulated profession. There is good reason for its relatively small size, as professions go. An unusual combination of concerns and capacities has proved essential in a well-rounded landscape architect. He must have a compelling interest in, and sensitivity to, the environment as a whole. This requires of him a total view of ecology; a deep and abiding grasp of the natural world as an ongoing process of which humans are an integral part. He needs innate responsiveness to people, to their problems, and to the quality of life surrounding them. With it all he must be a visualist; fundamental to his approach is a sense of design, an intimate concern for specific form at every scale, and a keen appreciation of visual relationships as these affect human behavior. His mission insists on a creative urge and a dedicated search for excellence. It asks of him the ability to see, feel, and think-all with clarity-and to communicate visually as well as verbally.

Norman T. Newton, Design on the Land. The Development of Landscape Architecture. (1971)

Theo Angelopoulos, Landscape in the mist (1988)

Thessaloniki Beach, Greece